Stirling Range Retreat
The perfect base to explore!

Bluff Knoll Cafe
Please enquire about opening hours as they may vary.

Amelup Roadhouse
Nine kilometres north on Chester Pass Road. Deli lines and fuel.

The Lily Dutch Windmill
National Park Fee Collection
Ranger Private Residence
Ridge Walker Registration
Mt James Track
Toll Peak Picnic Area
Toolbrunup Peak
Moingup Springs
Mt Hassel

Talyuberlup Peak
A rock hopper’s paradise. Talyuberlup has interesting chasms, rocky spires and narrow gullies. Some scrambling over rock ledges is required.

Scenic Lookout
A shorter, attractive hike with good views west to Mt Barker

Mt Magog
White Gum Flats Picnic Area
Baby Barnett Hill Scenic Lookout
Red Gum Springs
This water source for pioneers is now dry, however a toilet and a picnic area are located here.
Camel Lake Nature Reserve

Mt Trio
Altitude: 856m Length of track: 3.5kms return Hiking time: 3 hours Difficulty : Class 4
A shorter favourite. The steep trail with some scree begins at the car park with a board walk. Mt Trio has great wild flower displays from mid Aug. to Oct. and, towards the plateau beautiful mountain bells will be discovered during spring. Mt Trio, with three separate peaks linked together by a plateau was originally known as Warrungup

Bluff Knoll

The Stirling Ridge Walk
Maximum Altitude: 1095m Length of track: 28.8kms circuit from Bluff Knoll to Ellen Peak, returning via North east track to Bluff Knoll Road. Reference map DOLA 1:15,000 “Eastern Stirlings.” Hiking time: 2-4 days Difficulty: extreme
The Stirling Ridge Walk. Ellen Peak from Bluff Knoll Rated one of Australia’s most challenging wilderness hikes.

The Stirling Ridge Walk covers the 15.5 km between Bluff Knoll and Ellen Peak. Recommended for experienced, well prepared, fit and agile hikers due to it’s rugged nature, changeable weather conditions and lack of water sources. Hikers can start the walk from either end.
This is the only hike in WA with alpine weather conditions. It involves narrow ledges, very steep ascents and descents and much scrambling over jagged rocks and through sharp bush.
Violent weather change including very strong gusty wind, hail, whiteout, sleet or snow can occur with little notice. It usually involves a two night bivouac, which may be in these conditions, so walkers must be appropriately equipped. The trail is easy to lose, and a compass course may be necessary.
This trail should only be undertaken by those, fit, well prepared and well recorded in the register/log book, and others notified.

Ellen Peak
Abbey Track
Located 9.96 kms from Formby South Rd and linking Salt River Road with Stirling Range Drive, Abbey track is approximately 10 kms long. Walkers park a second car at the end of the track, and on completion return to pick up their first vehicle.